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Gut mucosal virome alterations in ulcerative colitis
T Zuo, SH Wong, K Lam, R Lui, K Cheung, W Tang, JYL Ching, PKS Chan, MCW Chan, JCY Wu, FKL Chan, J Yu, JJY Sung, and SC Ng Gut We...
Population Density and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Prospective Population-Based Study in 1
C Ng, GG Kaplan, W Tang, R Banerjee, B Adigopula, FE Underwood, D Tanyingoh, SC Wei, WC Lin, HH Lin, J Li, S Bell, O Niewiadomski, MA...
A Prospective Study to Monitor for Tuberculosis During Anti-tumour Necrosis Factor Therapy in Patien
CK Lee, SH Wong, G Lui, W Tang, LS Tam, M Ip, E Hung, MH Chen, JCY Wu, SC Ng Journal of Crohn's and Colitis Biologic therapies have...
Urbanization and the gut microbiota in health and inflammatory bowel disease
T Zuo, MA Kamm, JF Colombel, SC Ng. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. In the 21st century, urbanization represents a major demographic shift...
A novel susceptibility locus in MST1 and gene-gene interaction network for Crohn's disease in th
WKK Wu, R Sun, T Zuo, Y Tian, Z Zeng, J Ho, JCY Wu, FKL Chan, MTV Chan, J Yu, JJY Sung, SH Wong, MH Wang, SC Ng. The incidence of...
A prospective study on second-generation colon capsule endoscopy to detect mucosal lesions and disea
HY Shi, FKL Chan, A Higashimori, M Kyaw, JYL Ching, HCH Chan, JCH Chan, AWH Chan, KLY Lam, RSY Tang, JCY Wu, JJY Sung, SC Ng In this...

Worldwide incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in the 21st century: a systematic r
SC Ng, HY Shi, N Hamidi, FE Underwood, W Tang, EI Benchimol, R Panaccione, S Ghosh, JCY Wu, FK L Chan, JJY Sung, and GG Kaplan. Lancet....
Cancer Risk in 2,621 Chinese Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Population- Based Cohort St
J So, W Tang, WK Leung, M Li, FH Lo, TL Wong, SF Sze, CM Leung, WC Tsang, HS Shan, KH Chan, CY Lam, AJ Hui, WH Chow, TY Lam, V Lam, TW...
Endoscopic and Histologic Mucosal Healing in Ulcerative Colitis in the First Year of Diagnosis: Resu
CM Leung, W Tang, M Kyaw, G Niamul, S Aniwan, J Limsrivilai, YF Wang, Q Ouyang, M Simadibrata, M Abdullah, D Ong, HH Yu, J Zhang, J...
Accuracy of Fecal Immunochemical Test to Predict Endoscopic and Histological Healing in Ulcerative C
HY Shi, FKL Chan, AWH Chan, A Higashimori, M Kyaw, JYL Ching, AKC Luk, SH Wong, JCY Wu, JJY Sung, and SC Ng. Journal of Crohn's and...

Selected Journal Papers
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